Pioneering Our Sustainability Model across the UK

sustainability Paack model in UK

Paack is leveraging its technology during every step of the last-mile process, giving control over when parcels arrive with customer-controlled timeslots. This customer-centric experience combined with a carbon-neutral impact on all deliveries in the UK, and carbon emissions reduction across Europe, assures a planet-first approach too. For retailers such as Amazon, Zara, Nespresso, THG, Selfridges, Decathlon and El Corte Inglés this is already the new standard – only with Paack.

Our sustainability model in the United Kingdom

Paack has always been characterised by its relentless commitment to customer experience and sustainability.

We are the first logistics company to partner alongside other responsible organisations from a wide range of sectors by supporting the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change). We are well on our way to being certified net zero and are aiming to be the first multinational logistics business to achieve it.

We aspire for our model to become a benchmark for other market operators to follow, influencing widespread change in the actions of both logistics companies, retailers, and consumers.

The foremost example of our continued commitment to sustainability, which is now being rolled out across all countries where we operate, was inaugurated in the UK.

Every parcel delivered by Paack in the UK assures a carbon-neutral last mile impact, so for retailers such as Amazon, Zara, Nespresso, THG, Selfridges, Gousto and Decathlon this is already the new standard, effective since 22nd April 2020.

Our network in the United Kingdom

In the UK, Paack’s network has significantly advanced its distribution of last-mile parcels using electric vehicles in the last two years. The majority of deliveries are now carried with zero emission vehicles, and this is increasing further despite the significant growth of capacity in the market and expanding to even more cities. More than 50% of all deliveries in Greater London are carried by electric vehicles, while in other cities such as Greater Manchester, Liverpool and Birmingham, this percentage is even higher, at around 80-100% of our total deliveries.

For each delivery made using electric vehicles, we are reducing the planet impact of last-mile deliveries from 181g of CO2 emissions, to zero (0)g. On top of this, we responsibly measure and compensate for the effects of all last-mile activity to take responsibility for all impact and fully invest against this as we aim to reduce impact even further.

Sample example. Based on actual data as of August 2021 –
Client X from the UK

·        125k customer parcels delivered

·        12,061 gross CO2 footprint kg¹

·        An average of 47% of deliveries carried out using electric vehicles

·        10,695kg negative CO2 electric vehicles²

·        575 trees planted

·        12,061kg negative CO2³

¹ Total greenhouse gas emissions caused by non-electric vehicles

² Negative carbon effect of electric deliveries

³ Compensation carbon footprint of tree planting

As we go further to achieve certified carbon neutrality across every aspect of our business and services, pushing further towards certified net zero, we have many more exciting developments coming in 2022 through our technology and data transparency, enabling more pioneering sustainability approaches in all the cities and countries where we operate, leading sustainable eCommerce deliveries as the new standard throughout Europe.

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