Paack’s Predictions: Challenges and Goals for 2022

Objetivos 2022

This past 2021, we maintained the results from previous years but, most importantly, we experienced incredible growth. However, there is always room for improvement and, during the year that we have recently entered, we will work towards expanding our operations and potentiating efficiency. To do so, we have set for ourselves a whole series of challenging objectives that we face with enthusiasm and maximum motivation.

One of the multiple objectives that we have set for ourselves is to continue investing in technology, an essential element that can be considered one of the catalysts for Paack’s extraordinary evolution. In 2022, we will continue to innovate and implement new technological developments aimed at upgrading the efficiency of our services.

Similarly, another key goal of ours is to achieve environmental neutrality, hence, we are constantly taking action in regard to ensuring a cleaner and more respectful approach for our operations. Sustainability, especially this very year, will assume a leading role. To do so, we will continue to focus on growing the percentages of sustainable operations outside the UK too, with 100% of our deliveries in Spain’s urban areas and in the 14 main Spanish cities being clean.

On a different note, since we are now facing bigger and more defying challenges, our Team needs to grow accordingly to the current circumstances. Apart from welcoming new and exciting talent to our different departments, our objective is to make Paack the most pleasant place to work in, in terms of great and warm work atmosphere, flexibility and an adequate work-life balance. Of course, we are always pursuing the most stimulating projects that will motivate Paackers to go beyond, grow and succeed. During this year, we will keep on promoting various actions so that the percentage of satisfaction and pride of belonging to the Paack Team reaches 100%.

Territorial expansion: greater coverage, more cities and presence in new countries

Throughout this year, we will work towards increasing our territorial coverage in the countries where we are already present, expanding and bettering our last mile services in the areas where we are already operating.

To begin with, in Spain, we aim to cover 100% of the territory, exceeding this way, the 80% that we had covered by the end of 2021. In the UK, we will expand our activity during H1 with the launch of 10 new cities, a fact that will allow us to potentiate our presence, especially in the North of the country, where our current operations are still minimal, as well as in the South of the island. In France, our focus is also on territorial expansion, and we plan to start operating in cities where we are not yet present. Finally, in the case of Portugal, we will expand the radius of action; we aspire to reach 80% of the country, a remarkable increase compared to the coverage that we had last year, which was 50%. Moreover, during this year, we are planning to launch new European countries, certainly a piece of news that we are hoping to reveal very, very soon.

Paack’s growth is an irrefutable fact; since our creation back in 2015, we have been upgrading our service and exceeding expectations year after year. Everything seems to indicate that 2022 will not be an exception and, throughout this year, we will continue to expand a business model based on the power of innovation, service efficiency and excellence, and doing our very best to protect the planet.

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