Meet One of Our Paackers: Jessica Palomeque

If we didn’t look after the relationships and communication with other departments, we wouldn’t be able to do our work efficiently

Name: Jessica Palomeque

Training: Commercial Engineer (ADE in Spain)

Department she works in: Finance

Role: Head of Finance

The Paacker we present today had her first contact with our company when she came to visit our offices. We never found out what happened during that first encounter, but six months later, Jessica Palomeque joined the Paack team to take charge of the financial department.

She confesses that she is passionate about travel and cooking and therefore for Jessica there is no better plan than one that involves food, which can be made even more perfect if there are “plenty of laughs”. Talking to her, we discovered that she had a certain artistic streak and a flair for leadership from a very young age, as she told us that she was always in charge of organising various choreographies and dances, which she performed with her cousins at family gatherings.

She would love to meet Michelle Obama and declares that a number of different people have inspired over the course of her life, but, most of all, other women who have either held managerial positions in sectors dominated by men, or have shown her that living is about travelling with a backpack that is lighter than the one society often imposes on us.

The passing of time brings experience and has taught Jessica that, if she were to look back a few years, she would advise her teenage self to bear in mind for the future that the decisions you make are not final and can be changed, as life is a box of surprises.

Now that summer is approaching, we may have more time to spend on our hobbies, and Jessica recommends reading the book The Day the Sky Falls by Megan Maxwell and, if we want to put our sensitivity to the test, we should watch the film Miracle in Cell 7, which she says tugs at the heartstrings. Another option that, according to her, is not to be missed, especially if you are a Disney fan, is the animated film Soul. In terms of music, she proposes the song Petar-ho, by the Catalan band Oques Grases, although she warns us that we run the risk of not being able to get it out of our heads.

The finance department at the service of the entire company

She is very proud to be in charge of a great team, which works hard every day to ensure that every action or initiative they take is focused on improving Paack’s expansion. Jessica Palomeque is in charge of coordinating the Finance Ops team and the development and management of projects for the implementation of operational and analytical accounting systems, aimed at the group’ s financial analysis and contribution margin. Her most common tasks involve the preparation of the group’s financial reports and monthly accounts, as well as providing support to the different departments in the company and ensuring the correct accounting for all activities.

The day-to-day work of the department is marked by key dates, such as financial reporting periods, audits or the need to scrupulously comply with tax or commercial deadlines. The first week of each month is particularly intense for the whole team, as they have to prepare the accounting report for the previous month, without neglecting their ongoing activities. The rest of the time, the focus is on the development of Finance projects, which aim to improve the operational and scalability of the department, as well as work related to the measurement of the company’s OKRS.

And, as if all this was not enough, there is also the normal activity of a financial department that has to comply with the preparation of financial reports for third parties, invoicing, cost tracking, payment control, tax declarations, purchase forecasts or the reviewing of contractual terms and conditions.

Lastly, she says that out of all the Paack values, the one she identifies with the most is We Care, because her department is concerned with the company and its growth. In the Finance department, they are well aware that a large part of our needs are met by their team, and that without taking care of the relationships and communication with other departments, they would not be able to carry out their activities efficiently.

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