“We Care, We Thrive, We Innovate.”

We Care, We Thrive, We Innovate

A company’s corporate values are the elements that define it and are linked, among other things, to its culture, organization, the environment it operates in, and the expectations generated by its stakeholders, which may include customers, suppliers, or the employees themselves. Corporate values are a concept that must be collectively shared by the whole organization, and its members should have them present in each of their actions, from the most far-reaching ones to the smallest day-to-day details.

Paack’s values do not stem from a pre-established artificial process, or the result of pre-established objectives. They are driven by deeper, solid work that is completely transversal and is rooted at the heart of our organization. In other words, it begins with the work of everybody that contributes forming the Paack Team. To define these values and give them proper meaning, we conducted an interesting piece of work at the end of 2019. The values that accompany our day-to-day work are the result of the vision from each of the Paackers, therefore, the message which defines our work ethics is chosen by everyone working at Paack.

In order to be the architects of the values that we represent, various interviews were carried out with all of our Team members. That way, we shaped Paack’s values by collectively underlining the characteristics that we all celebrated about the company; what we believed was different about Paack, and the way we defined our performance. We also considered all the aspects of our job that gave us energy, enthusiasm and that we were genuinely passionate about.

Interestingly enough, a lot of common ground arose from this exercise, and it boosted our motivation. We all shared a strong feeling of community, responsibility, passion, and motivation to work and grow. We shared, as well, a perception that everything is possible thanks to cooperation and teamwork.

At the same time, most of us were loudly proud of being part of an enterprising, disruptive company that would continue to stand out by making substantial changes in the industry.

At Paack, there was, and still is, the conviction that we offer our customers a high-quality service with significant added value.

Paack’s values started to be shaped bearing in mind all these ingredients that distinguished us not only individually, but also as a group. Each member can identify with at least one of them, but the whole Team surely identifies with performing in a way that, incidentally, is closely related to our three corporate values.

Paack’s 3 Corporate Values:

We Care

We are all responsible for offering an extraordinary experience to our customers, promoting an excellent working environment, and contributing to ensuring a great planet to live on. We are a Team!

We Thrive

We love challenges, and we aim to continue growing to exceed all expectations. We are ground-breakers!

We Innovate

We go beyond and love redefining standards. We are visionary!

Finally, it is about time that we share a little secret that we have kept well-hidden all along. As Paackers, we have three superpowers that make us truly special: we are constantly evolving to improve and be able to make a change; our creativity makes us stand out, as we can come up with disruptive ideas that have never been done before. In addition, we challenge what has been pre-defined and we give meaning to shared responsibility; whether things turn out well or not, purely depends on the Team’s work. Do you have these superpowers? Join our team and we will work together to develop them!

Irene Rodríguez – Head of People

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