Meet One of Our Paackers: Nicolás Francia

“One of my main goals is to successfully convey my colleagues that their work has a meaning and impact beyond the purely technical aspects.”

Nicolás Francia

Name: Nicolás Francia

Studies: Telecommunications Engineering, and 5G Networks Master Degree

Department he works in: Technical Department

Role: CTO

The Paacker we introduce you today was born and started his professional career in Uruguay. Since then, in addition to his country of origin, he has lived in the United States, Spain, Germany and New Zealand.

He defines himself as a goal- and results-oriented person, committed, and with a clear strategic vision. But, above all, he is a dad, because, as he tells us, he is always looking after his daughter.

From his own childhood, he remembers his interest in his grandfather’s hobby, mechanics. When he got a bit older, he got an itch for engineering, and was fascinated by the first computer he got his hands on. That was the inflection point: it all started there.

The technical department

As Chief of Technology at Paack, he says that innovation is the catalyst for continuous improvement of both internal processes, and the experience of customers and companies with whom the company collaborates through multiple integrations and automation projects. As Francia explains: “The team’s mission is to offer an excellent platform and service”.

His department develops multiple technologies for different uses, such as third-party integrations, automations and internal integrations between different services. By using several Google Cloud serverless technologies to ensure the scalability and resilience of our services, as well as the connectivity advantages that Cloudflare brings us, we can certainly guarantee universal access to Paack’s applications in a secure and fast way.

When working with his team, he considers it important to bring a broad perspective, aligned with the company’s long-term vision, as it is key to maximise and coordinate efforts across departments. To meet the different challenges faced by the department, he emphasises the role of his team; having the ability to distribute projects according to the needs and capabilities of each person; encouraging collaboration between colleagues; and promoting personal growth and training within the company.

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