What Is Last Mile Logistics and How Does It Work?

last mille logistics

As consumers, we have access from our devices to an infinite number of possibilities, which enable us to buy any product on eCommerce platforms located anywhere in the world. When formalizing an online purchase, a complex process, which goes through various stages, begins. These stages include the identification and preparation of the package at the point of origin, its transfer, its reception at the warehouse and finally, its delivery to us, the customers.  

What is last mile delivery?

The package’s journey can be of various lengths and complexity depending on several variables, such as the product’s country of origin. However, in all cases, the purchase process always ends with a final journey. This last stage is known as last mile delivery, in other words, it’s the final journey that the package undergoes before reaching our hands. This journey usually starts from a warehouse close to the destination to make the journey as short and fast as possible.

Last mile deliveries should involve a perfectly synchronized logistics company to guarantee efficient deliveries, able of being completed in the shortest time possible. Consumers are becoming increasingly familiar with Internet shopping and demand that transport companies reduce delivery times even more. The final result of this service is of great importance since it is directly linked to the user’s shopping experience. If the user’s expectations are not met, they will be left with a negative perception of the product they have bought and, specifically, of the company or store they have bought it from.

Key aspects of last mile logistics

Suitability of last mile routes

To meet users’ demands, it is essential that last mile deliveries establish perfectly optimized routes. The transport company should synchronize deliveries and design more efficient routes and accesses to reach destinations in the best way possible. 

Establishing delivery conditions

The conditions agreed upon the receipt of the package is another vital aspect of last mile deliveries. The delivery time of the package must be adhered to with the utmost rigour and forces the company to add time variables when optimizing routes.

Vehicles suited to the characteristics of each package

The type of fleets we should choose to carry out deliveries successfully is another challenge we face, and we must take it into account very carefully to be efficient. The size of the packages is an aspect to consider when it comes to choosing the most appropriate type of vehicle to carry out the final journey. However, it is also important to consider the characteristics of each individual product, as the needs of a fragile package are completely different to those required for controlled temperature transport, for example.

Paack’s commitment to last mile

To respond to the challenges we face, here at Paack we take a holistic approach to our work, enabling us to guarantee the best shopping experience for our customers and users. Firstly, the innovative technology that we have develop internally helps us planning the most suitable routes. Furthermore, scheduled deliveries make it possible for packages to be received in short time periods, plus it allows us to adapt to customers’ personal needs. Our business model requires a high level of demand, but it is essential to achieve the highest success rates on the first delivery attempt. Because of that, the rating left by users places us as the most highly rated company in the market.

In addition, we have our own distribution centres and delivery stations and, also, our fleets of vehicles are suited to the different types of deliveries we carry out. In this sense, it is worth noting that we are in the middle of a process of expanding our network of warehouses, a need that is determined by our expansion in different cities and countries, forcing us to have nearby logistics centres, so that we can facilitate last mile deliveries.

All of these actions also have a clear objective: being sustainable and environmentally friendly. Hence, the optimization of routes and success of first delivery attempts are extremely important because this way, we avoid unnecessary journeys. We continue to work on expanding our warehouses and adapting our fleets, so that they generate the lowest environmental impact possible. Through these improvements, we are reducing the carbon footprint deriving from our activity, which sets us closer to our main goal: to be completely carbon net zero in the not too distant future.

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