Commitment to Sustainability Based on Efficiency

The environmental impact of transport is a topical issue that generates fierce debate among public opinion. With regards to private transport, manufacturers are opting for less polluting vehicles and governments are starting to legislate, applying regulations that are capable of reducing the negative impact of journeys. Moreover, as drivers, we have the ability to put into practice our own measures of responsibility, reducing the number of journeys or making greater use of public transport.

However, the number of journeys within the courier and transport sector increases every day, given the constant growth being experienced by electronic commerce or food delivery services. Given this reality, the question is clear, how can our sector reduce the environmental impact, at a time when the volume of deliveries continues to grow?

The answer, a priori, seems complex, since the higher the volume of activity, the greater the negative impact should also be. Despite this, Paack is significantly reducing this impact and the forecast is for the carbon footprint deriving from our activity to be completely neutral in 2024, in all the countries we operate in. In order to achieve this, it is essential to be fully committed. In this sense, Paack is the first last mile logistics and transport company to have joined other responsible companies and support the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) with its commitment to reduce its carbon footprint. However, with such a sensitive issue as the one we are dealing with, it is vital to act and go beyond good intentions or the simple use of a fleet of clean vehicles.

With this aim, we have drawn up an ambitious sustainability plan that we have already started to put into action. This plan focuses on a smart approach, based on four pillars which are capable of increasing our efficiency to significantly reduce journey times and, as a result, emissions and the carbon footprint.

The 4 pillars of our commitment to sustainability:

1. Green solutions

Our model enables us to incorporate new delivery employees easily. We prioritize and reward sustainable deliveries, favouring professionals that already have adapted fleets. We use a wide range of vehicles to transport our deliveries: from electric vans to electric bikes. This operational model acts as a catalyst for change, from the first premise, having clean vehicles.

2. A question of effectiveness, a significant reduction in the number of failed delivery attempts

Scheduling drastically reduces failed delivery attempts. The wide variety of options and time slots that we offer recipients has a direct impact on the success rate of first delivery attempts and, therefore, we reduce the number of wasted and unnecessary journeys

3. Close distribution centres: Local hubs

We have a network of distribution logistics centres in the areas of the highest activity, to achieve maximum efficiency and speed in distribution. We build and manage a network of fleets from local hubs that we operate from in order to consolidate volumes and reduce the distances travelled by our network of couriers.

4. Cutting-edge technology

The commitment to technology and innovation is our fourth pillar to minimise the environmental impact of our activity. We have designed our own route software which is constantly being developed. It has been designed to work with scheduled deliveries, to optimise journeys and reduce distances for eCommerce and other types of transport. We train our drivers and fleet administrators with this cutting-edge technology, guaranteeing the shortest transport time to successfully complete all the deliveries. This way, we work responsibly and sustainably, reducing our carbon footprint, taking care of the environment.  And you, what role do you play in protecting the planet?

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