Sustainable Logistics: Why Should Transport Companies Care?

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Climate change is a growing concern that affects us all. The logistics industry is no exception and, in fact, transportation systems have a direct impact on the environment. CO2 emissions are one of the biggest problems that we face in our sector, and these emissions are mainly produced during delivery journeys.

Hence, some eCommerce and transport companies have started to address and provide solutions for this issue. We could define sustainable logistics as all the actions aimed at reducing the environmental impact that logistics processes produce. At Paack, we benefit from our own technological developments, which allow for more pioneering sustainability approaches in all the cities and countries where we operate.

Sustainable logistics seeks to guarantee an eco-responsible activity using adequate resources and modifying and adapting processes of the supply chain. It is all about aligning the company’s financial profitability with environmental efficiency through different actions, such as benefiting from renewable energies, optimizing delivery journeys or using electric vehicles, amongst other practises.

This approach has significantly grown in popularity and, as of today, showing a commitment to the environment even gives eCommerce a noticeable competitive advantage. Current-day customers pay close attention to the way businesses perform so, in a not-too-distant future, being sustainable will most likely become the only standard for companies.

It is important to underline that performing sustainable logistics concerns many parties. To begin with, public administrations should take care of guaranteeing proper infrastructures and, at the same time, incentivize and offer help to companies who seek to achieve more environmentally friendly solutions. However, at the end of the day, carrying out ethical practices is a company’s choice and responsibility. As highlighted above, customers’ increasingly demanding needs continue to change and a focus on sustainability is slowly becoming a given.

5 Aspects Where Sustainable Logistics Is Relevant:

1. Electric fleets

The modernization of fleets and the use of more environmentally friendly vehicles, such as electric ones, is one of the key aspects which contributes to reducing CO2 emissions.

2. Smarter deliveries

Unnecessary journeys can and should be avoided. By improving the efficiency of processes through the optimization of routes, we drastically reduce our emissions in the last mile.

3. Sustainable distribution centres

By designing infrastructures capable of optimizing the distribution processes, we reduce costs and reach delivery points faster and more conveniently. Apart from that, making distribution centres more sustainable is also linked to the use of materials and sources that are respectful of the planet. Benefiting from solar panels would also be advisable and a smart choice in terms of sustainability.

4. Biodegradable packaging

In sustainable logistics, the packaging processes of products are also relevant. Essentially, it is all about prioritizing biodegradable materials that have a low environmental impact over other traditional materials that potentially pollute more.

5. Recycling waste

Another key action is the collection of waste that is generated during the production and distribution processes. Also, using that same delivery journey to pick up waste or second-hand items, such as clothing, contributes to making each journey count. Recycling is highly important and should not be overlooked, for it is one of the first steps that a company should take to offer solid environmentally friendly outcomes.

Ultimately, implementing more sustainable actions is a clear trend in the logistics sector. At Paack, we are convinced that these tendencies will not change and, in fact, they will even grow stronger in the coming years. Therefore, we should all take responsibility and do our bit so that we mitigate the dreadful effects of climate change on our planet.

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