Innovation and Sustainability, the Best Warranty for Our Customers

Innovation and Sustainability

The effects derived from the pandemic have maximized a trend that has been growing exponentially in the past few years: online sales. An increasing number of consumers opt for online shopping for all types of products thanks to the convenience of receiving their orders at home, without the need to travel, queue, or be exposed, as seen in recent months, to the risk of infection. For this reason, parcel and transport companies play a key role in protecting our planet from destructive CO2 emissions.

These days, consumers are better informed and are more demanding; they expect the same level of efficiency, if not higher, than the experience they would get in a physical store. To these factors, which are clearly linked to service, we should add that people are becoming more responsible and show a stronger commitment to sustainability. That’s why today’s consumer places more emphasis on buying brands that share his/her ethical and environmental values. Similarly, consumers now look deeper into which materials are being used, the manufacturing processes and the distribution chain, as well as the last mile delivery companies that take care of their orders.

Planning eCommerce deliveries – Decisive for the protection of the environment

Government leaders around the world are promoting different measures which focus on improving and reducing mobility to minimize the environmental impact caused by vehicles. These measures place enormous responsibility on the transport and eCommerce sectors and force us not only to adapt but also, to be more efficient in the services that we provide.

A strategy based on innovation and sustainability is key to being able to meet customers’ expectations. First, having an innovative and responsible approach is a must-have if you want to provide the most efficient service. On top of that, a company should benefit from technology to launch processes capable of reducing our carbon footprint. Making journeys without being sure that the recipient of the parcel will be at home, for example, should no longer be a valid option. Failed deliveries suppose high levels of frustration for users, but they also trigger a series of unnecessary and wasted journeys which, in most cases, could very easily be avoided. These journeys, as one can expect, have detrimental effects on the environment.

Scheduling deliveries is, therefore, one great option for minimizing the number of journeys. By implementing innovative processes, capable of optimizing routes, and agreeing on delivery times with customers, we can obtain a really high percentage of first delivery attempts completed successfully. This has a great impact on efficiency, which not only benefits the consumer, but also the environment

Being sustainable is no longer a long-term objective

For this reason, efficiency should no longer be pursued in the short or medium term, as it is a very important and current market demand. Transport and parcel companies that work with fleets of electric vehicles, benefit from natural resources or guarantee successful first-attempt deliveries will be the main players: highly considered by customers and users who increasingly ask for better and cleaner deliveries which contribute to the protection and preservation of our planet. Offsetting the carbon footprint that our operations leave is another powerful practice to achieve carbon neutrality. As we have already seen in previous blog posts and will continue to see in future ones, Paack’s business model is based on the principle of using innovation and technology to offer an outstanding customer experience that’s respectful of the environment.

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