The Banc dels Aliments’ Commitment to Sustainability

Banc dels Aliments

Banc dels Aliments is a non-profit organisation that was set up more than 35 years ago in Barcelona with the aim of distributing food fit for human consumption and combatting food poverty. The organisation obtains food from surpluses and donations, as well as through a programme subsidised by the EU. This food is then distributed to people who do not have access to sufficient, safe and healthy food, through more than 300 social organisations that collaborate with the Banc dels Aliments Foundation. The organisation’s activity involves significant logistical coordination, especially considering the constant increase in the volume of food distribution, which has grown by more than 200% since 2009.

Key figures

  • More than 23 million kilos of food distributed in the past year.
  • 145,000 people received food via the Banc dels Aliments in 2021.
  • 330 organisations collaborate in the distribution of food.
  • 25% coverage of basic food needs.

Sustainability project

In 2021 the Banc dels Aliments set up a project to optimise its logistics and minimise the CO² impact of its activity, which is mainly affected by the transportation of food in order to distribute it. One of the first actions implemented was the decentralisation of the Foundation’s main warehouse in Barcelona, in order to bring the food closer to organisations that are more than 50 km away from the metropolitan area of the city.

Before the project was launched, a partner organisation could make up to six trips a month to collect the food it distributes in its area of influence, whereas now they are provided with all the dry goods, fruit, vegetables, fresh and frozen products in a single trip. Applying this measure has led to a reduction of more than 46% in the number of journeys, which is equal to 2 round-the-world trips! Currently, Banc dels Aliments has a presence in seven Catalan counties, which allows them to group all the pre-prepared food according to the order picking list for each organisation, and send it to their warehouses or distribution centres outside Barcelona.

  • Staff from the organisations save time.
  • Transport and fuel costs are reduced.
  • CO2 emissions are lower.

Initiative aligned with the United Nations

The project responds to some of the points listed in the SDGs , the 17 sustainable development goals adopted in 2015 by the member countries of the United Nations, to promote responsible action that benefits the protection of the planet.

  • 1 – End poverty
  • 2 – Zero hunger
  • 10 – Reduced inequalities
  • 12 – Responsible consumption and production
  • 13 – Climate action
  • 17 – Partnerships for the goals

Paack collaborates with the Banc dels Aliments

The promoters of this project aim to continue to grow over the next few years, and to improve its implementation. Paack is playing a key role in this respect, because this year our company has begun a collaboration with the Banc dels Aliments in order to achieve maximum efficiency in the area of transport. Our commitment to sustainability is a strategic pillar of our activity and, to this end, we are constantly promoting actions aimed at reducing the environmental impact of the transport sector and we are highly committed to initiatives promoted by both the public and private sectors, such as the Climate Pledge.

Our collaboration with the Banc dels Aliments allows us to do our bit to contribute to the reduction of social inequalities and, furthermore, to help them reduce the impact of their work on their carbon footprint.

How can we collaborate with the Banc dels Aliments?

There are five different ways to collaborate with the Banc dels Aliments:

  • Corporate collaboration through ongoing food donation programmes for companies.
  • Collaboration of employees through food collection and/or financial contributions.
  • Food or financial donations.
  • Donation of surpluses by agricultural and food companies.
  • Incorporation of the Banc dels Aliments Foundation as a strategic partner for the achievement of the SDGs.

We are particularly proud to be able to make a positive contribution to the activity carried out by the Banc dels Aliments, a collaboration that demonstrates the importance of establishing links between businesses and society in order to provide solutions that contribute to a world that is more respectful of the environment.

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